Thursday, October 23, 2008

Forward.... March!

Here is another rock scene.. Enjoy!....


Vikki North said...

Hi Sylvia,
Love your cookie parade. What medium do you use? I looks like prisma color pencil or dry brush with acrylic?

Vikki North said...

Me again..sorry
That was 'it' looks like prisma color pencil or dry brush with acrylic?

Unknown said...

Sylvia, thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you come back. And now I'v e found your blog as well.
I have to comment on your stones, I really like them. Just by looking at them I can imagine their weight in my hand.

Mary Medrano said...

Hi Sylvia,
I love the rocks. They look like mushrooms to me. Very enjoyable.

Sylvia Jenstad said...

Thanks for your kind words Vicki, Deborah and Mary...Vicki-- I painted these with acrylics using my own style

nina kuriloff said...

this is a wonderful painting!