Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just one bite....

This is my two month b-day painting.... I painted this apple a couple of weeks ago for the big day... good plan, eh?... not talking about the bus today.... it's my b-day!!!...


Lisa Palombo said...

Gorgeous apple painting! Happy Birthday!

dominique eichi said...

Thank you Sylvia for leaving a comment on my blog, I appreciate it.
Your apple here is glorious, very well done I can see myself biting into it.
I also love your sunshine daisy absolutely beautiful.
Keep up the good work.

Marcella Paliekara said...

Happy birthday! Wonderful painting!

thegardener said...

Fabulous stuff. Your paintings literally jump of the canvas. So glad you are up and fighting.

Sheila Vaughan said...

This is wonderful Sylvia - terrific perspective and impact!

rob ijbema said...

excellent,i love it,that is one powerful apple!
have a great day!

Alice Thompson said...

Hi Sylvia, Perhaps painting an apple a day will help keep the doctor away. Sorry to hear you were hit by a bus but I'm glad you still find the energy to be creative and post! Thanks for visiting my blog.

susan said...

This is beautiful and so bold!

Sweetart said...

Hi Sylvia
Thank you for visiting my blog,wow!that apple looks so good
i can actually taste it!
Take care

Dianne Mize said...

O'Keefe would have loved this one. I do, too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Linda McCoy said...

Beautiful Apple Sylvia! Thank you for your comments on my blog, have a very happy birthday, and best of luck with your Daily Painting journey. Great Work!

Tom Barrett said...

Awesome paintings you have here. Love this apple!

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

Melinda said...

Wonderful work. I love the apple and the way you have composed it.
Best wishes on your birthday and for a quick recovery!

Barbara Pask said...

Happy Birthday Sylvia, gorgeous apple. Very luscious looking.

Unknown said...

wow, Sylvia. Your work is wonderful. Saludos.

Mariana said...

hello! lovely painting!!!! so juicy!

Happy birthday!!!!!

Thanks for leaving a comment on the fibre art blog. I ussually write on www.florcitasart.blogspot.com

Hope you have a great day!


April Jarocka said...

Beautiful Sylvia! Makes me very hungry for an apple:) I should look at this everyday because I am a lazy apple eater! All the best

Joan Breckwoldt said...

I love the way you have cropped the apple to show a very distinctive "apple" part. What else could this be but an apple? Very nice!

Sylvia Jenstad said...

Thanks Lisa, Dominique, Marcella, thegardener, Sheila, Rob, Alice, Susan, crafthy sugar, Dianne, Linda, Tom, Melinda, Barbara, Lelis, Marian, April and Joan for your kind words... this painting was so much fun to do...

John Hlavinka said...

Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. I really like your apple paintings.

Micki said...

It is such an incredible painting, that you could want to bite into the apple. Well done! I enjoy pastel painting too, and use textile paints for my fabric work. I just really love your work!
So glad that you visited my blog!
In Ireland